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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Quantitative
  • Simple Percentage
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000

Background of the Study

As of right now, we live in a society that is dominated by science and technology, and as a result, people often face challenges and difficulties that can be traced back to scientific principles. The contributions of science and technology to societal and economic development have grown more important in recent decades. The natural environment has been put to productive use and repurposed as useful resources for people to improve their standard of life thanks to scientific science. The phenomenal new developments in scientific education have made it possible for man to lead a science that is more at ease within society. (FGN,2004). A collection of knowledge, a means or method of examining, and a style of thinking in the quest of an understanding of nature are the components that make up the etymological definition of the term "science" (Abimbola & Mustapha, 2003). Students should be encouraged and enabled to provide the broader objectives of science, which include process skills such as knowledge and curiosity; develop skills of scientific inquiry to design and carry out scientific investigations and evaluate scientific evidence to draw conclusions; communicate scientific ideas, arguments, and practical experiences accurately in a variety of ways; demonstrate attitudes and develop values of honesty and realism. The purpose of teaching and studying the sciences is to encourage and enable students to provide the broader objectives of science (Ezeh, 2016).

The emphasis of fundamental research in the fields of science education and cognitive science is on how individuals learn science and how they use knowledge in their everyday lives. Scientific inquiry is the fundamental method through which new scientific knowledge is obtained and is important to the study of science disciplines. In the laboratory, students are given the opportunity to have first-hand experience with the inquiry process, making it one of the most reliable means by which the method of inquiry may be learned. The National Association of Biology Teachers published their findings in 2005. Because of this, the "hands" and "minds" of the learners need to be on scientific activities so that the learner will be able to learn actively and thus participate in knowledge construction learning. The primary focus of the teaching and learning of science is on ensuring that teachers are not only able to teach the process of science, but also are able to subject scientific concepts to the sensory experience of the learner. (Ausubel, 1963) The fact that the teaching and learning of Physics in particular in Nigeria is not going as smoothly as it should be is highlighted in the curriculum document, which states that "Physics is crucial for effective living in the modern age of science and technology." In Nigeria, however, the opposite is true. It is vital that every student be given the chance to learn some of the ideas, principles, and skills associated with it given its widespread applicability in industry as well as in a great many other professions. Unfortunately, the teaching and study of physics has been beset with obstacles, which prevents a large number of students from scoring well in external tests. (Report issued by the Federal Ministry of Education in 2009) Akanbi (2003) made the observation that the trend in the enrollment and performance of senior secondary school students in science related disciplines, particularly physics, has reached a menacing and scary dimension. [Citation needed] Bamidele (2004) noticed that students' lack of interest in physics as a consequence of their preconceived notion that physics is a difficult topic has harmed both their enrollment in physics students and their overall performance in physics classes. It is thus vital to give students with a good background in a wide range of subjects related to science education when laboratory facilities in school are appropriate. Students should be provided with a variety of learning opportunities that will allow them to develop their ability to solve problems, think critically, and gain a scientific and technology literacy (William and Maureen, 2012). Both Jeske (1990) and Ogunleye (2002) came to the conclusion that a laboratory is a main vehicle for improving students' comprehension and reasoning skills, which in turn improves students' ability to achieve the targeted learning goals. As long as science continues to be both a product and a process, the laboratory will continue to serve as the epicenter of scientific research. Learners will be able to acquire science process skills and competence in science concepts if adequate laboratory equipment, facilities, and materials are made available to them. The extent to which best laboratory practices are implemented will be directly proportional to the degree to which these factors are available.

Statement of the Problem

As of right now, we live in a society that is dominated by science and technology, and as a result, people often face challenges and difficulties that can be traced back to scientific principles. The contributions of science and technology to societal and economic development have grown more important in recent decades. The natural environment has been put to productive use and repurposed as useful resources for people to improve their standard of life thanks to scientific science. The phenomenal new developments in scientific education have made it possible for man to lead a science that is more at ease within society. (FGN,2004). A collection of knowledge, a means or method of examining, and a style of thinking in the quest of an understanding of nature are the components that make up the etymological definition of the term "science" (Abimbola & Mustapha, 2003). Students should be encouraged and enabled to provide the broader objectives of science, which include process skills such as knowledge and curiosity; develop skills of scientific inquiry to design and carry out scientific investigations and evaluate scientific evidence to draw conclusions; communicate scientific ideas, arguments, and practical experiences accurately in a variety of ways; demonstrate attitudes and develop values of honesty and realism. The purpose of teaching and studying the sciences is to encourage and enable students to provide the broader objectives of science (Ezeh, 2016).

The emphasis of fundamental research in the fields of science education and cognitive science is on how individuals learn science and how they use knowledge in their everyday lives. Scientific inquiry is the fundamental method through which new scientific knowledge is obtained and is important to the study of science disciplines. In the laboratory, students are given the opportunity to have first-hand experience with the inquiry process, making it one of the most reliable means by which the method of inquiry may be learned. The National Association of Biology Teachers published their findings in 2005. Because of this, the "hands" and "minds" of the learners need to be on scientific activities so that the learner will be able to learn actively and thus participate in knowledge construction learning. The primary focus of the teaching and learning of science is on ensuring that teachers are not only able to teach the process of science, but also are able to subject scientific concepts to the sensory experience of the learner. (Ausubel, 1963) The fact that the teaching and learning of Physics in particular in Nigeria is not going as smoothly as it should be is highlighted in the curriculum document, which states that "Physics is crucial for effective living in the modern age of science and technology." In Nigeria, however, the opposite is true. It is vital that every student be given the chance to learn some of the ideas, principles, and skills associated with it given its widespread applicability in industry as well as in a great many other professions. Unfortunately, the teaching and study of physics has been beset with obstacles, which prevents a large number of students from scoring well in external tests. (Report issued by the Federal Ministry of Education in 2009) Akanbi (2003) made the observation that the trend in the enrollment and performance of senior secondary school students in science related disciplines, particularly physics, has reached a menacing and scary dimension. [Citation needed] Bamidele (2004) noticed that students' lack of interest in physics as a consequence of their preconceived notion that physics is a difficult topic has harmed both their enrollment in physics students and their overall performance in physics classes. It is thus vital to give students with a good background in a wide range of subjects related to science education when laboratory facilities in school are appropriate. Students should be provided with a variety of learning opportunities that will allow them to develop their ability to solve problems, think critically, and gain a scientific and technology literacy (William and Maureen, 2012). Both Jeske (1990) and Ogunleye (2002) came to the conclusion that a laboratory is a main vehicle for improving students' comprehension and reasoning skills, which in turn improves students' ability to achieve the targeted learning goals. As long as science continues to be both a product and a process, the laboratory will continue to serve as the epicenter of scientific research. Learners will be able to acquire science process skills and competence in science concepts if adequate laboratory equipment, facilities, and materials are made available to them. The extent to which best laboratory practices are implemented will be directly proportional to the degree to which these factors are available. 

Objectives of the Study

The broad objective of this study is to examine the the impact of laboratory work in physics on the academic performance of students. a case study of selected secondary school in Moro LGA Of Kwara State. Other specific objectives includes:

  1. To establish the frequency of exposure to laboratory work in secondary schools
  2. To investigate if students’ attitude are changed towards practically based subjects when exposed to  adequately equipped laboratories facilities
  3. To ascertain whether laboratory facilities and practicals by science teachers enhance teaching of physics in secondary schools.
  4. To examine whether exposure to laboratory work influences students’ performance in physics.
  5. Research Questions

The research is guided by the following research question

  1. Does exposure to laboratory facilities influences students’ performance?
  2. To what extent are student exposed to laboratory work in secondary schools in Moru Local government?
  3. Are students’ attitude changed towards practically based subjects when exposed to adequately equipped laboratories facilities?
  4. Doe laboratory facilities and practicals by science teachers enhance teaching of physics in secondary schools in  Moru Local government?

1.7 Significance  of the Study

If the findings of this research work are properly utilized, they will promote the idea that science is both a product and a process in students. This will be accomplished by arousing interest in practical work and generally in the practically based science subjects in secondary schools. As a result, academic achievement will increase and improve in these subjects. On the other hand, to convince science teachers that practical lessons are mostly essential for effective teaching and learning of science subjects such as biology, chemistry, physics, agriculture, and mathematics; and to motivate parents to provide basic requirements of practical lesson(s) for their children in secondary schools; and to motivate parents to provide basic requirements of practical lesson(s) for their children in secondary schools. In addition to this, it would bring to the attention of the government, namely the Ministry of Education, the need that schools be supplied with appropriate scientific equipment and that competent science teachers, technicians, and technologists be assigned to secondary schools. In conclusion, the study will contribute to the existing body of knowledge and provide students and academics who are interested in doing more research in relevant fields with access to reference resources.

1.6 Scope  of the Study

The scope of this study borders on impact of laboratory work in physics on the academic performance of students a case study of selected secondary school in Moro Lga of Kwara State. The study will further examine whether frequent of student exposure to laboratory work will enhance the interest of student in learning of  Physics and increase their achievement.

1.7 Limitation of the Study

Like in every human endeavour, the researchers encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. The significant constraint was the scantiness of literature related to  pedagogical challenge of effective political education and mobilization in Nigeria.  Thus much time and organization  was required in sourcing for the relevant materials required for the study. More so, the study is limited in scope focusing on teachers in selected secondary school teachers and youths in  Moro Local Government Area in Kwara State. Therefore findings of this study cannot be used for generalization for other Local Government and State  which  creates a  research gap  and give room for further studies.

1.8       Definition of terms

Laboratory: A laboratory is a facility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific or technological research, experiments, and measurement may be performed.

Academic achievement: Academic achievement represents performance outcomes that indicate the extent to which a person has accomplished specific goals that were the focus of activities in instructional environments, specifically in school, college, and university.

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